Saturday, September 24, 2011


I was really blindsided by this one. I was also blindsided by my feelings about this.

One of my FaceBook 'friends' (I now use that term loosely) unfriended me.

I had not said anything about her. I had not been rude to her. I think I had only been kind and caring.

So why this?

It was something that I did not do that lost my 'friend.'

She objected to something that happened at church. Since I am the mw (minister's wife), I guess I am somehow connected. But I am not.

My husband was not.

But she is so upset, she is cutting ties with the church, will march off somewhere else, and 'worship' there until there is another upset.

In all honesty, I am trying to see if I could be at fault, is there anything I could have done.

I don't think so.

I know she is an unhappy person. She came to the church where my husband serves like that. I thought we had reached out to her and tried to help her mend.

I guess not.

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