Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Stress Buster

When I have had a difficult time with work, personal issues, or too much going on in too little time, I do the absolute worst thing possible. I start reading.

The wallpaper for my blog is chosen deliberately. I like to read. I still put down 'reading' as a hobby even though it is technically not a hobby. I like to read about anything and rarely do I not complete a book, no matter how poorly written. I could tell you a lot about those!

One book that is virtually unknown in the literary world that somehow speaks to me is A Space of the Heart by Patricia Wright. As far as I know she has published few, if any, other books and this one is old--published originally in 1976 by Doubleday. It is described as a 'romantic historical novel of an Englishwoman in 19th century Russia.' That is not typically my type of reading. I prefer non-fiction most of the time, or very well written fiction. It is more a novel about the Englishwoman entering Russia in the 19th century. There is some romance, not really a lot. One year when school had started with too many changes, too little grace, and too much of too much, I read the book 3 1/2 times before I felt I could put it down and move on.

As a matter of fact, when I brought out the book to check for the publication date, it looked so good I decided I might start it again. It would only be for about the 15th time.

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