Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Brown Sugar and Ketchup

People want to make simple things not so simple.

There are literally thousands of topics to which that statement would apply but that would be making something simple not so simple. I am going to stick with the original thought.

Last week or so (I don't do dates well), a friend of mine needed to have supper taken to her family. I can't tell you how much she has on her plate and none of it was simple. So to possibly make one evening of her life a little less pressured, I took over a meal of sloppy joes. She has children and it is important to have something they will eat.

We chatted recently and she wondered what was the secret recipe for sloppy joes that made her children eat it for two meals straight and a snack in between.

Equal parts brown sugar and ketchup mixed with browned ground beef and onions.

Not a hard recipe.

It is also the recipe I use for barbeque sauce.

I also use it for pork steaks in the crock pot.

It serves well as a sauce for bacon wrapped water chestnuts.

Meat balls with ketchup and brown sugar over white rice is another welcomed meal.

If I really wanted to think longer, I could probably come up with more uses.

But it is simple. I don't need to add chili powder or other spices although some recipes suggest that. Unless it is an outstanding herb or spice, it just isn't needed. Just go with it.

Like cleaning house. There is no magic potion to getting it done. It just has to be done.

The New Year's Resolution can be done, you just have to do it. It is simple. Don't over-dramatize the issue. Just get with it.

Last year I wanted to read the Bible in a year. It was one of the most rewarding things I have ever done but I put myself on an accountability trip to make sure I did it. I posted daily the reading on Facebook. Every day I posted to my group what was to be read and made a few comments about it. That made me read the assigned text, not just post the scripture. I told myself this year I would do it again but I haven't. I just need simply pick up the Bible and read.

Brown sugar and ketchup.